Friday, October 27, 2023


i was scrolling though a post by one of my moots and i got inspired to write this post. My Opinion is that Jin would never have kids as long as he has the Devil Gene in him, so biological kids are out of the question despite some ships i like for him. He would never want his child to suffer the same way he did and considering he will have the now controlled devil gene, for all his life so he can protect the world, he ain't having any kids with anyone

So the fandom pretty much agreed that Jin won't have kids right? it would be bad if he has kids since his goal is to defeat the Devil Gene and all it's sources, from what we know so far, only him and Kazuya have it as of now, unless there are other Hachijo clan members. ( I wanna write a fanfic of this but right now take it as a theory or a headcanon ) But lets just say that some evil scientists from a new organization took his DNA after his battle with his father and made an experimental child using his DNA to create super soldiers. As the Devil Gene gives a huge amount of power, they would want that child to be used as a weapon. And that's where Jin comes in to protect the child and take him under his roof to train him.

I believe Kazuya won't have the Devil Gene after Tekken 8 as i think Claudio will sacrifice himself to eradicate his Devil from him. Kazuya is a threat to the world right now, so i believe Claudio taking away his Devil would be for that reason. So after that the only ones who would have the Devil Gene are Jin and his adopted child.

a parenthesis here after Tekken 8 i imagine Kazuya and Jun having another child with the Angel Powers and both of them living in Jinpachi's old house with him. sorry that fanfic rub it on me haha

and hey since Tekken is filled with tragedy, well...that kid will end up dying in a tragic death.

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